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The holidays always become a difficult time. Holiday get togethers and all the food. Few items are actually keto friendly. Work in not much better, seems like someone is always brining something that looks and smells wonderful. I have been doing fairly well resisting all the temptation. I have now lost a total of 9lbs, […]

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Well it has been awhile since the last blog post. Life has gotten a little busier. Work is no longer having us work remotely. That takes another 2-3 hours out of my day. On a side note Katie and I have almost finished painting the inside of the house. It has been four weekends of […]

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Carnivore/Keto can be life changing for type 2 diabetics.  We tried the ketogenic eating two years ago as a diet.  My wife was able to totally get off all her diabetes prescription medication.  We fell off the diet around the holidays and eventually she needed to go back on medication to help control her blood […]

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This weekend seemed to just be a maintenance week.  We cleaned off the back porch.  Had to shock the pool due to an algae bloom.  Which also led to needing to clean the 4 cartridge filters and brush the pool.  Looking much better now. We also got some much-needed weeding done too.

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This weekend we finally got the rest of the tree removed.  The oak tree had fallen on three other trees in the back corner, so we got those three removed.  Katie and I got the ruts from the tractor and the depressions where the tree fell all leveled out.  We are trying to decide what […]

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Progress remains slow but steady.  I have noticed that the carb cravings have started to go away for me.  I feel more coherent.  It is difficult to describe.  Chandra asked me to pick up cookies for the grandchildren, this is the first time in a while that I am not temped to open them.  Feels […]

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Major setback this week.  We had to rearrange what bills were paid.  As well as push back some to the next pay period.  The first thing that you should think about is a little bit of savings to help keep the budget on track.  Ours’ was not quite enough to get us through all the […]

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We try not to force our eating habits on those around us.  For example, we go to bible study every Tuesday.  Everyone rotates preparing food.  Some weeks are difficult to stay on target.  So I try to make the best choices possible.  Some of the decisions go from carnivore to keto and others are just […]

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We accomplished a few things this week.  Mainly just cleanup projects.  We cleaned the back porch, so we would be able to enjoy the space with the cooler weather to come.  Put away all the power and hand tools that I had used on the initial chicken coop build and the hydroponic setup.  I just […]

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