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Category: Gardening

Smith Family Farmstead > Blog > Gardening

This weeks garden update includes a few new items we have never tried to grow before. Top left comfrey is just starting to emerge from the ground. We planted ten root cuttings, so far eight of ten have broken ground. Super excited about these. I have tried these before, but have never been able for […]

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This weekend we will be back to working outside. We are going to be working more on getting the garden area prepared for spring. As well as expanding the area, amending the soil, and mulching. Get something done this weekend to help make your life a little more self sufficient. Hope you have a happy […]

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Last night was the first chance of frost for the season. So we covered everything as best as we could. We also have two small mulberry trees that we tried to protect. As I write this article it is only 43 degrees F, however it usually gets a few degrees lower as sunrise gets closer. […]

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The small garden we started last month is growing well. We only test planted a few things. Knowing that everything was planted too late in the season. Depending if we get a frost or freeze this year will decide what will survive. Last year we didn’t even get a frost. The one thing I am […]

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