Weekly Garden Update

Smith Family Farmstead > Blog > Gardening > Weekly Garden Update

This weeks garden update includes a few new items we have never tried to grow before. Top left comfrey is just starting to emerge from the ground. We planted ten root cuttings, so far eight of ten have broken ground. Super excited about these. I have tried these before, but have never been able for them to grow. Top right pea plants, sugar snap and snow pea, starting to grab onto the fence. This is the first year we have tried pea’s. Looking forward to eating these raw and fermented. Bottom left pole beans, rattlesnake beans, new variety on the Smith Family Farmstead. Bottom right tomatoes, four different varieties: San Marzano, Jetsetter, Brandywine Black, and a wild grape tomato for my neighbors yard. I am very interested in propagating the wild grape. We had one survive all winter and is still producing tomatoes going into the spring. The plant is so hardy and so far disease resistant. Blight is a huge problem here in Florida. I found suckers spouting off the ends on a fruiting branch. I will try to take a picture and post with next weeks garden update. We have more starts to plant next weekend. We will try to get them out to harden off Thursday maybe, so we can plant on Saturday. See you next weekend!