Carnivore Week 3

Smith Family Farmstead > Blog > Lifestyle > Carnivore Week 3

Carnivore/Keto can be life changing for type 2 diabetics.  We tried the ketogenic eating two years ago as a diet.  My wife was able to totally get off all her diabetes prescription medication.  We fell off the diet around the holidays and eventually she needed to go back on medication to help control her blood sugar.  That is why a few weeks ago we decided to make a change.  We have tried to totally stay carnivore but have had a few meals that fall more in line with the ketogenic way of eating (i.e. vegies or salad.) 

The big difference for me is that I have stopped snoring after only losing 6 lbs!  I feel so much more rested in the mornings after a full night’s sleep.  I am somewhat hoping as I continue to lose weight that, some of the minor lower back pain I have in the mornings may also lessen.  Here is to 6 lbs. and counting.

Total weight loss to date.

Tyson – 6.0 lbs.                 Chandra – 2.2 lb.                              Katie – 4.2 lb.