Surf and Turf

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Steak Filet and Shrimp

2lb Jumbo Shrimp Bag                     Steak Filet

2 TBSP Extra Virgin Olive Oil       1 TSP Coconut Oil

2 TBSP Butter                                     Rosemary

Garlic Powder                                    Salt/Pepper

Old Bay Seasoning

The Set-up

For me, this is the best of both worlds! Not only is it the perfect mix of land and sea, but, it is also the perfect mix of my parents’ cooking! Dad is an absolute wiz when it comes to steak and my mom is the only one I know that makes shrimp so good. They shared their secret tips and tricks with me so I could share them with you today!

First things, you will probably want to start with the steaks first because they will take longer to cook. Depending on how many shrimp you make, your shrimp will only take you 5-10 minutes where your steaks will take you at least 10 minutes. You can cook both at the same time just be sure to use separate pans, if you try to cook the shrimp with the steak you will end up over cooking your shrimp and it will have the texture of rubber and not taste very well.

You will need 2 pans (one for steak and one for shrimp) one plate to dry and season the steaks, a bowl to season and mix the shrimp, and tongs to flip the meats.

 For Steak it is best to use a Cast-iron skillet pan or Carbon Steel. In the steak pan, set on medium heat and wait for pan to heat up, then put a heaping teaspoon of Coconut Oil in pan. Wait for the oil to start smoking slightly before setting steaks on to pan. While pan is heating up, take your steaks and lay them on a plate with a paper towel. With a separate paper towel, press down on steaks until steaks are dried. After drying, season on both sides with ground up fresh dried Rosemary, Salt, Pepper and Garlic Powder. Once all steaks are seasoned and Coconut Oil has started smoking, lay steaks in to pan. You want to cook each side for five minutes. While cooking, set oven to 400° so steaks can go in to oven to cook a little longer if you feel they need to. Remember, everyone likes their steaks differently; Some like their steak still mooing as it comes out to you, others like it so done you would have never known it was pink to start.

For Shrimp you can use any type of pan you would like. Heat pan up to medium heat, pour 2 tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and 2 tablespoons of Butter in to pan. While that is heating up, take your shrimp, make sure all tails are taken off and they have no veins, put into bowl, sprinkle garlic powder, salt, pepper and Old Bay seasoning, mix it all together then sprinkle all seasonings again. Once all seasonings are mixed together with shrimp, place shrimp into pan and cook until its white pinkish looking (Opaque). It will be about 30 seconds on each side, shrimp does not take long to cook and remember, cooked too long, it will be rubbery which we do not want. Once they are cooked you can add any sort of cheese you would like or leave it as is and enjoy with the butter sauce in the pan and your steak! I hope you enjoy this dinner as much as I did!

Cook it, Love it, Learn it!