Carnivore Week 2

Smith Family Farmstead > Blog > Lifestyle > Carnivore Week 2

Progress remains slow but steady.  I have noticed that the carb cravings have started to go away for me.  I feel more coherent.  It is difficult to describe.  Chandra asked me to pick up cookies for the grandchildren, this is the first time in a while that I am not temped to open them.  Feels good to have the will power to abstain.  Hoping to be good all week and keep this good feeling going.  Last night we had surf and turf, shrimp and top round sirloin steak topped with a little parmesan cheese.  Look for this in the recipe area soon.

I try to do some intermittent fasting too.  For example, we had dinner last night at 6pm and didn’t have breakfast until about 10am.  That is 16 hours fasting.  We don’t do this every day but try to several times a week.  I believe that the carnivore/keto diet done right is the best way to maintain your ideal body weight and eliminate type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.  More on this next week.

Total weight loss to date.

Tyson – 4.8 lbs.                 Chandra – 2.6 lb.                              Katie – 3.6 lb.