Finance Week 1 Update

Smith Family Farmstead > Blog > Lifestyle > Finance Week 1 Update

Major setback this week.  We had to rearrange what bills were paid.  As well as push back some to the next pay period.  The first thing that you should think about is a little bit of savings to help keep the budget on track.  Ours’ was not quite enough to get us through all the curve balls that life sent our way last week.

$900 dollar tree removal

First one of our large oak trees had fallen over and we needed to get it removed.  Normally I would just do it myself.  However, the trunk was still resting on the stump about 4 feet high.  With the weight distributed to roll and take out the neighbor’s pool cage.  So, I hired someone to remove the tree, $900.

Next, I had to arrange travel for work.  They will reimburse, but not till after the trip in October.  The flights were $498.26.  Hotel will be approximately, $650.  That is a big challenge to overcome.  The bills that we pushed back will not be over 30 days late before I get paid next.  Luckily, I get paid three times next month.  So, this pay period we were unable to pay the extra amount to our lowest debt.  We have a pecan tree that needs to come down soon, so the delay to getting debt free may continue.